
Chizelhurst Jack Russell Terriers

Kennel Union of Southern Africa Registered puppies occasionally available

Presenting smooth, broken and rough coats bred to the breed standard
Bi and tri-coloured

Ch SouthernBell Taras Dream of Chizelhurst (Widget)

Widget is the foundation bitch of the Chizelhurst Jack Russells - a first generation South African bred Jack Russell out of the imported Australian parents featured below

Ch Rosetta JR Renoir of SouthernBell 

Ch Rosetta Red Rhythm of SouthernBell 

Both owned by SouthernBell Kennels

"Widget" has had two litters to date:

B Litter born 15.07.2001

Chizelhurst Blue Chip with owner Steve Archer. 

Chizelhurst Blue Chip has now reached championship status and was placed fourth in the Terrier Group at the 2003 KUSA Nationals

Chizelhurst Brave Heart 

S Litter born 30.03.2002

Chizelhurst Skye Dancer at 4 weeks

Chizelhurst Skye Dancer at 9 months

14 Championship Shows to date 
14 Challenge Certificates
8 Reserve Best of Breeds
Group Placing Fourth - twice
Group Placing Third - once
1 Best of Breed

All this at only 15 months of age! 

Chizelhurst Skye Dancer at 18 months

Junior Dog of the Year Qualifier
Now eligible for championship status as she received her qualifying CC at Sasolburg Ch Show under Judge Martin Croeser

Co-owned by Nicky Robertson and Gill Griffith

Widget's next litter is planned for later this year. Puppies for pet or show 

Nicky Robertson
P O Box 237
2355 Nucam
Rep of South Africa

Registered with the KUSA 1990.

Breeder / Owner / Exhibitor

+27 17 827-0017

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